Scattering of Isobel's Ashes on Indian Rocks Beach, Fl
January 2, 2012

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It was a cold, windy evening, but Mother asked that we scatter her ashes on the beach at sunset, and that's just what we did. Mike and Betty joined all the Adger/Harwells: Rick and Chris, Andy and Joanne, Susan, Emily, Mandy and Joe, and Tim and Cris. Because it was windy, Rick and Mike dug a little furrow to hold the ashes until the tide came to take them out, and Tim braced an umbrella next to it to keep them from flying away as we placed them there.

Everyone took turns either scooping the ashes into the trough or setting them free with the wind. Andy and Rick waded out into the water to make sure all the ashes were left at the beach, and came back for a group hug with Emily.

The sunset was incredible, and it was an evening I'll never forget. I'm sure Mother was right there with us.


The Family
Iso's Ashes












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