Jean Diane Mason Lynn (J.D.)

Born August 9, 1943 in Carlsbad Caverns, NM, Died July 7, 2019 in Rockledge, FL
Married Brian Carlton Lynn on August 23, 1965

Jean Diane Mason, 1944


Edie and J.D., about 1947


At the beach with Uncle Bud


J.d. and Carlton, July 4, 1976, Key Biscayne


J.D., Kevin and Edie's famous dogs


Carlton and Friend

The Lynns, with Michael offering supervision

Iso, Kay, Joanne, Andy, Carlton and J.D.
Thanksgiving 2003 at Iso's


J.D., about 1945


With Rick, Mike and Susie at Indian Rocks Beach


J.D. with Mike


Mike, Ricky, J.D. and Charlie at Indian Rocks

The Lynns


J.D. in Pink

J.D. and Carlton, Thanksgiving 2002



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