Robert Norton Keathley (Bob)

Born October 9, 1946 in Tampa, FL, Died June 23, 2012 in St. Augustine, FL
Married Donna Jo Rhinehart on August 23, 1969. She died August 21, 2014.

In the back yard at 500


The football star -

In Gram's kitchen


Out at Aunt Edie's - Robert in front
J.D. and Susan seated
Rick and Mike standing


Robert's 21st (?) Birthday


Robert and Kevin, July 4, 1976


Robert, Bud and Rick, July 4, 1976


Sharing a birthday party with Edie and Bud


Donna and Robert, Thanksgiving 2002

In the side yard at 500


In trouble again!


Mike and Robert
Were they ever that CUTE?


Robert all dressed up


Robert in the Service, 1964


Robert and Gram, Jan, 1967/68


Robert and Donna, July 4, 1976, Key Biscayne


Robert, Donna and Gus

Donna, Betty and Margie, Thanksgiving 2002

Thanksgiving 2003 in Dunedin



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