Ann Marie Martin Woolley

Born January 24, 1952 in Oakland, Allameda, CA, Died June 28, 2016 in Arcata, CA
Married John Scott Woolley on September 26, 1986 in Arcata, Humboldt, CA

Ann Marie in high school

John and Ann with James and Kevin

A few years later

John, Kevin, James and Ann Marie
in front of 500 E. North St., August 2004

Catching up on Florida fish

Preparing to watch the boys risk their lives.
(Notice Ann Marie's fake smile)


The Woolleys and "the other Kevin"
foolishly challenging JD at Pounce


Izzy, Ann Marie and John a long time ago!

Ann and John

Ann Marie's band, Good Company


Ann and Susan on the steps at 500

Why are all those gators coming over here?

At Iso's on the couch with "the other" Kevin
discussing the environment and politics.

Ann Marie and John have been recognized by the United States Senate and the House of Representatives as being Extraordinary American Citizens. Click here to see a letter from Dianne Feinstein, and a copy of the Congressional Record that honors them.




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